Friday, June 17, 2005

Google search

Okay, I added a Google search, something I always thought would be cool to have on my page.

After thinking of every possible place to put it on this page, I finally decided that it would go best in the navigation bar. Well, that didn't work so well, so I decided to just put it in the main section, just put it floated to the right. After I played with that for awhile, I realized, "FLOATS!!!" and decided I could float the entire DIV to the right of everything inside of the nav bar.

Well, then I couldn't figure out how to get the text to align to the middle (vertically), so I had to make another column to the page. You won't even notice it though, everything's the exact same size it was, just added another column inside the nav bar.

That was a big pain in the ass.

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